Monday, March 12, 2007

Home on the Range

So I realize that it has been a while since we posted last... BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN FRANTICALLY LOOKING FOR A HOME! Well our search is over, we have decided to be nomadic sheep hearders in the high Rockies.
Paige loves those wooly beasts!

Actually we are only going to be nomadic for the month of April, and then on May 1st we will roost like there is no tomorrow in our new home. Thanks to all of you who offered various basements, sheds, and VW vans -- it's the thought that counts............ really! Here is a picture of the front of the house.


Anie said...

its byootiful.
and probably alot more cozy than a field o' fuzzy sheep.

Taxi Driver said...

Congratulations on finding your place to roost! It looks lovely. Mark & I are having fun roosting in Ecuador for a week. We've got pics on our blog.

Morganne Jones said...

hey, don't go knockin' nomads. i've felt like one a lot my entire life and i think it may be the way to be. for a time, at least.(meaning before kids and house.) congratulations on it, by the by.:)